Leaked contract reveals Samsung's demands for user data from repair shops

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(Image credit: Android Central)

What you need to know

  • A Samsung contract given to repair shops has leaked and paints a sour picture as user data is reportedly involved.
  • Shops are seemingly required to upload a host of user data to Samsung's database when they come in for repair.
  • Samsung also requires repair shops to "disassemble" a user's device if it's discovered that they've used a third-party part.

Information has surfaced regarding a leaked contract that reportedly details Samsung's requirement that repair shops divulge sensitive user information.

The folks at 404Media have reportedly obtained a Samsung contract to repair shops and have allegedly "confirmed" its validity. In its terms, shops must upload information "daily" about consumers who come in for repairs. The contract shows that Samsung requires shops to inform them about a consumer's name, contact information, phone identifier (IMEI number), and the details of their visit.

All of this supposedly goes into a Samsung database known as "G-SPN." The Verge states it has also seen information like this before in 2023.

The publication contacted Aaron Perzanowski, a law expert from the University of Michigan, about the matter. Perzanowski stated that "most consumers would be very surprised to learn that their personal information and details about their devices are being shared with the manufacturer," adding that "this looks like a substantial and unexpected invasion of consumer privacy."

The leak also shows that shops working with Samsung are required to "immediately disassemble" devices that may have been fixed previously with aftermarket parts. A portion of the agreement states that after disassembling, repair shops are to inform Samsung of the "details and circumstances" of the parts they've discovered.

Under the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act, consumers have the right to utilize third-party parts to repair their devices if necessary. This was confirmed by legal director John Bergmayer, according to 404Media.

Android Central has reached out to Samsung about the contract's details but did not hear back in time for publication. We will update this article when we hear back.

This all comes to light following iFixit's announcement that it was cutting ties with Samsung due to its misaligned goals in device repairability. The company stated that the company had consistently glued its devices so tightly together that it forced it to sell parts similarly. Doing so resulted in iFixit having to drive up the costs for consumers instead of making them more affordable.

iFixit stated it had to sell batteries and screens in "pre-glued" bundles to try and maintain a high standard in parts. Despite its constant efforts to maintain such quality, the company stated it could do it no longer.

The company will officially part ways with the Korean OEM in June but will continue to attempt to acquire parts for Galaxy devices when possible.

Nickolas Diaz
News Writer

Nickolas is always excited about tech and getting his hands on it. Writing for him can vary from delivering the latest tech story to scribbling in his journal. When Nickolas isn't hitting a story, he's often grinding away at a game or chilling with a book in his hand.

  • HeyRadar
    I don't see an issue with Samsung getting basic info about your device repair. Most of the info they probably get from the wireless carriers or other means.

    That sounds no different than what a car dealer would get when you get your car serviced. It could be helpful for Samsung to know this to make their devices better.

    I do have a big issue about the "disassemble" if 3rd party parts are found. That is very wrong.
  • parksanim
    Thank goodness they REPAIR their phones. Companies like OnePlus, and other Chinese brands are seeing stores dropping them due to their complete lack of support for products and warranty service after the sale. India alone had a chain of over 900 stores with this severe problem.

    And do you think Samsung doesn't have this information about customers, anyway? Good grief.

    I also don't care for the excess glue in batteries issue, but remember that this is I-fixit we are hearing this from. They have just given up on a major portion of their business. I have a feeling the right to repair people will get on this soon.